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aerialists VS archers 10 / 26, open culture bottle project
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Bottle Launch
Bottle Launch Virage Beach in Yoff, Senegal, Africa on May 10, 2016 by Meadow Hilley, who was visiting to attend The Biennale of Contemporary African Art, Dak'Art. So, it is felicitous that it was found by the family of an artist!!! 14°40′N 17°25′W
Bottle Found
FOUND!!! This bottle was found on May 12, 2016 by Moustapha Diagne's father, also on Plage du Virage, Senegal, not very far or long from where it was intially launched.
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Aerialists and Archers was the second bottle of the project thrown, by a classmate from high school that I did not know well during school, but became friendly with later in life after discovering her incredible writing. We had a meandering, enjoyable conversation about aerialists, and later I discovered she was going on a trip to Senegal. She kindly accepted my request to throw a bottle, and I found a very tiny bottle that had apricot nectar in it–did not want to make her luggage heavy!
I had started the collage with archers, for the letter "a", but then added in aerialists as a nod to our earlier conversation.
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